…to my learning log
About this site: Philosophy? The ‘w’s? A mini-manifesto?
Hi! I’m Ethan, and this is a simple record of what I have been getting up to during my homeschooling days. It’s in reverse chronological order, with largely photo-based quick summaries of what I did on a given day and how it went. My mum has used categories to roughly group basic themes, and more information such as topics, skills or academic subjects relevant to the day’s activities will often be included in the tags. Please note I can get up to quite a lot in one day, so these records are non-exhaustive!
If you’re here you’ve likely been invited to have a look at what I’ve been up to, so feel free to browse the blog page. It’s a work in progress! If you’d like to know more about my parents’ homeschooling goals and motivation you can click the blue button above. See you soon!
Please note, this is a private site, so you will need to be logged in to see the learning entries. Please contact my mum to request a login!
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